1.As a company, what you can do about this is to ask your advisor what their industry specific educational background is.
2.However, their age, educational background and level of income may influence how much time they spend online.
3.Well, they may ask you to tell them about your educational background and your working background.
4.I could not believe that a woman with her educational background and her exposure to such societies could cling to such rigid notions.
5.Be able to look into any discussion with any writer no matter what professional or educational background he possesses , and help him.
6.I realized there was a wide gap between North and South, ranging from educational background to cultural and linguistic differences.
7.Demographics say an average age of 28. 7, educational background of university or post-grad, annual household income of 40-50K a year.
8.The online applications I reviewed asked for your contact information, educational background and employment history.
9.Among patients with different educational background, the scores of quality of life of those with junior college education were the highest.
10.I think my educational background and some actual experience in marketing will enable me to offer services for your sales promotion.